Local Spotlight: Wiregrass 211

Wiregrass 211

In the internet age, we can seem constantly connected to information. However, that’s not always the case—or the correct information can even elude you. That’s where resources like Wiregrass 211 come in. This service to the Wiregrass region connects people, particularly vulnerable populations, to the assistance they need. 

What is Wiregrass 211?

A nonprofit specializing in referral services, Wiregrass 211 spans seven counties and links people to vital services in the Wiregrass region. For instance, the call center boasts a comprehensive database of information, which is then utilized to connect people with what they need. In addition, Wiregrass 211 serves as a uniform connection point for a wide range of resources, from food to family services. 

What does Wiregrass 211 do? 

As a call center, Wiregrass 211 acts as a point of contact. Call 211 while in the Wiregrass and you’ll be connected to a representative 24/7. Need help finding in-network healthcare in the area? Wiregrass 211 can compile a list of in-network hospitals, physicians, and providers. On the hunt for a job and need some help? The center can point you in the right direction. In fact, Wiregrass 211 connects to a number of resources, including:

  • Transportation;
  • Employment;
  • Education and Training;
  • Healthcare;
  • Family Services;
  • Basics and Clothing;
  • Food;
  • Housing;
  • Legal Assistance;
  • Government Services;
  • Disaster Recovery;
  • And Social Services. 

With Wiregrass 211’s help, people receive the assistance they need without the bureaucratic hassle. It also provides relief to emergency hotlines, allowing for those resources to be more effective and concentrated. 


Above all, the Wiregrass region is blessed to have Wiregrass 211 as a resource to call on. It’s comforting to have a service like this within reach, helping us access necessary assistance. In other words, it’s the connection we can count on. 

If you’d like to get connected to a community, we’d be happy to help at Carriage House. Like Wiregrass 211, we’re dedicated to supporting residents in the community. However, our help mainly comes through housing. We offer comfortable homes at affordable rates that multiple lifestyles can access! Visit us online to learn more and apply. Plus, peruse our blog for more local staples that share our home in the Wiregrass!